Creating a Shipment - Commercial / Export Invoice

This part of the shipment covers all the information for the Invoices,
both the Proforma and the Commercial/Export invoice.

      Invoice Header Details

/The invoice details/

At the top of the screen you will enter all the details for the header
part of the invoice:

        Invoice Number

This is your own internally-generated invoice number, and is a required

        Buyer's Reference

This field should contain any buyer's reference such as a purchase order
number. If there is no buyer's reference, you can leave it blank.

        Payment Terms

Here you enter the agreed payment terms, such as Prepayment, Sight
Draft, Letter of Credit etc.

        Freight Charge

This field is for the actual freight charge to be added to the invoice,
in the currency to be used.

Enter the amount in numbers only, with a decimal point and two decimal
places if needed. For example, for an amount of AUD1234.56, enter 1234.56.

If the amount is in whole dollars, you can enter only the dollars
without the decimal point; ITDocs will add the .00 when generating the

The actual currency to be used is selected elsewhere.

If you are using an Incoterm which doesn't require you to charge the
freight on to the customer, leave the field blank.

        Authorised Signatory

This area displays the Authorised Signatory that will appear on all
output documents. It cannot be changed.

        Issued At

This field normally should contain the name of the city for the place of
business of the Shipper, in whose name the invoice will be issued.
However, if the place of issue is different (in cases where invoices are
issued by a central office, for instance) you should enter that instead.

        Exporter's Reference

This displays the shipment number, which is used as your reference on
all export documents. It cannot be changed.

        Insurance Charge

This field is for the actual insurance charge to be added to the
invoice, in the currency to be used.

Enter the amount in numbers only, with a decimal point and two decimal
places if needed. For example, for an amount of AUD1234.56, enter 1234.56.

If the amount is in whole dollars, you can enter only the dollars
without the decimal point; ITDocs will add the .00 when generating the

The actual currency to be used is selected elsewhere.

If you are using an Incoterm which doesn't require you to charge the
insurance on to the customer, leave the field blank.

        Lead Time

This field is for the amount of time required between confirmation of
the order and readiness to ship. Enter the time like this: /1 week/ or
/3 days/ or /2 months/, using the appropriate number and description.

        Invoice Date

This date is the date of issue of the Invoice, not necessarily the date
of shipment. Use the pop-up calendar to choose the date.

        Country of Origin

This is the country of origin of the shipment, rather than the country
of manufacture of the goods.

ITDocs pastes in the Shipper's country by default, but if the shipment
will originate in a different country, you should change this field.


ITDocs sets the currency to AUD by default, but a drop-down list lets
you choose the currency in which the invoice will be issued.

A selected list of the major and minor tradeable currencies is used; if
you need a currency that you do not find on the list, please contact us
to have it added.

        Transit Time

This field is for the estimated amount of time the shipment will require
to travel from origin to destination. Enter the time like this: /36
hours/ or /2 weeks/, using the appropriate number and description.

      Invoice Lines

In this section, each row of fields represents data that will become the
lines in the body of the invoice.

/The invoice lines/

To begin with you have three available lines. However, more empty lines
will appear below these, as you fill in data. There is no limit to the
number of invoice lines you can have; ITDocs is able to produce
multiple-page Export Invoices and other documents.

        Short Description

This is the short description or product code for the product that you
have entered in the products database. Begin typing, and you will see a
drop-down list with the short descriptions of any products matching what
you type.

Select the correct product from the list.

If your product does not appear, you must add it to the products table.

In modern browsers that work with ITDocs, you can open a second tab to
allow you to do this without leaving the Commercial/Export Invoice
screen: right-click on Products List on the Navigation bar and choose
/Open in New Tab/. Click on the newly opened tab in your browser, and
click the Add New button at the bottom right. Add the new product and
save it, and when you have finished close the tab.

Return to the tab containing the Commercial/Export Invoice screen, and
click the Reload button on your browser toolbar - it normally looks like
a circular arrow.

You will now be able to begin typing the product short description, and
have it appear on the list.


Enter the number of /*units*/ of the product that will be shipped. This
quantity will be multiplied by the unit price to determine the total
amount payable for the goods.

For instance, if you are shipping 50 cartons of wine, each containing 12


    if the unit quantity in your products database is carton, enter 50
    in Quantity;


    if the unit quantity in your products database is bottle, enter 600
    (50 x 12) in quantity.

        Long Description

The long description of the product is pasted from the products
database; however, if you need it to be different for this shipment, you
can edit it here. The data in the products database will not be changed.

        Export Permit

Use this field only if you have a separate export permit for this
particular product, otherwise leave it blank.

        Unit Price

The unit price will be pasted automatically into the field from the
products database, but if you need it to be different for this shipment,
you can edit it here. The price in the products database will not be



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